Thursday, May 8, 2008

Snakes; If Caught Please Release...

Here in Lindsay, with all the Citrus blossoms we get LOTS of bees. Bees are great, but they sometimes don't pick the best places to build their hives.

We had an old pallet out back that the bees started to call home. So we called a Beekeeper from Carys Honey Farm in to come collect and relocate them. When he got here we found a rather large Gopher Snake inside of his bee box.
The plant employees wanted nothing more than to see this snake DEAD!
But being the nature lover and rodent hater I wasn't going to let that happen. Sometimes being in upper management has it's perks, because I got my way and the snake got to live another day.
I caught it and set it free under the sea-train container out by our ponding basin. Sorry rodents...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Orange Juice is good for you, right?

I love fruit juices. ALL fruit juices. Especially the ones made from California grown citrus. I make & sell it...I guess I should, right?
But according to the USDA, fruit in the form of juice is not as healthy as once thought. Something to do with sugar and obesity. LAME! Even though the sugar found in Single Strength juice is all natural. People do not become fat from drinking orange juice or any other fruit juice!

So should we be drinking more sodas and less juice? More beer and less milk?
The next thing you know the Government will tell us that water is bad for us...